5 Surprising Facts About Knee Pain
Whether the result of an injury, a medical condition, or another cause, knee pain is one of the most common reasons why Americans access the healthcare system. According to the Centers for Disease Control, as many as one in four adults experience knee joint pain – approximately 15 million people – at some point in their lives. The pain experts at Midwest Anesthesia and Pain Specialists put together some key facts about knee pain that may surprise you – read below to learn more!
Fact #1 – There Are 3 Categories of Knee Pain
Most reports of knee pain get divided into three main categories.
Acute Pain – typically from an injury such as a torn ligament, a broken bone, or another injury.
Medically Related – a condition such as inflection or arthritis can be the cause of knee pain.
Chronic Pain – whether the result of overuse, underlying syndromes, or things like tendinitis, these conditions can create situations that cause pain for a long period of time.
At MAPS, we treat all three categories of knee pain using various methods and procedures, depending on the patient’s unique condition.
Fact #2 – You Can Get Knee Pain if You’re Not Active Enough
Sedentary lifestyles are a big risk factor for Americans, not to mention the effects of age. Over time, wear and tear of the knee joint can cause stiffness and inflammation. Obesity amongst younger adults is increasingly becoming another significant factor in the equation for knee pain.
Fact #3 – You Can Get Knee Pain if You’re Too Active
Knee pain does not discriminate! Athletes and people who perform physical labor at work such as heavy lifting, kneeling, or standing for long periods of time can also be impacted by knee pain.
Fact #4 – Insomnia Can Make Knee Pain Worse
While lack of sleep might not directly cause knee pain, there is a correlation between sleep and the perception of pain. Pain changes the way our nervous system works, and that can cause a person to become more or hypersensitive to pain. When you add a knee injury or arthritis into this scenario, it can cause a windmill effect, making it harder for the patient to sleep, resulting in more pain experienced, and not enough time for the body to recover properly.
Fact #5 – Surgery Isn’t the Only Option
Many of our patients come to our clinics under the impression that knee replacement surgery is their only option for relief. That’s simply not true. Many knee pain conditions can be treated effectively with minimally invasive procedures, medication therapy, and other non-surgical methods. At MAPS, we provide several treatments for knee pain depending on the root cause, the patient’s history, and our expert guidance.
Before booking surgery, you owe it to yourself to explore all the options available to you. At MAPS, our team is ready to help you take care of your pain so you can get back to work, school, your family, or the activities you love. Our double-board certified pain specialists are seasoned to understand the nuances of your knee pain to best create a personalized treatment plan for you. Contact us today to book your first appointment.