If you’ve ever dealt with migraines before, you know how frustrating they can be. Worse than your standard headache, migraines bring throbbing pain, nausea and even visual problems. People with chronic headaches experience these painful symptoms several times a...
The Weather Isn’t the Only Thing Changing – How to Prepare for Seasonal Migraine Triggers Seasonal changes are evidence of nature’s cycles of life, rest, and rebirth, and for most people, are enjoyable transitions that usher in a welcome shift in the...
Migraines vs. Headaches – How to Tell the Difference If you live with chronic migraines, there may be nothing more frustrating than hearing someone refer to their mild headache as “SUCH a migraine!” In truth, migraines are an extremely intense and debilitating...
Do You Suffer from Migraines? Here’s How We Can Help There are headaches, and then there are headaches. Unfortunately, migraine sufferers know the difference better than most, and with more than 39 million Americans experiencing the condition annually,...